Dinarolacerta mosorensis Kolombatović, 1886

Family: Lacertidae

Original taxon name: Lacerta mosorensis

Author of the original taxon name: Kolombatović

Classic locality: Monte Mosore (Dalmatia), scoglio Cazza

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Kolombatović (1886). Imenik kralješnjaka Dalmacije. II. dio: Dvozivci, gmazovi i ribe. Godišnji izvještaj Velike realke u Splitu, 1885/86: 26-27 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: HRV HRV

Specific description of the place: Mosor Mt. (planina Mosor) otok Sušac (Sušac island)?

Global distribution of taxon: BIH,HRV,MNE

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Arnold et al (2007). Systematics of the Palaearctic and Oriental lizard tribe Lacertini. Zootaxa, 1430: 86 pp pp.