Nepeta ernesti-mayeri Diklić & Nikolić

Family: Lamiaceae

Original taxon name: Nepeta ernesti-mayeri N. Diklić & V. Nikolić spec.nov.

Author of the original taxon name: Diklić, N. & Nikolić, V.

Classic locality: MK: Ohrid: in rupestribus calcareis prope pag. Trpezica, 650 m. sm., 25.7.1975, leg. N. Diklić & V. Nikolić, BEO; Isotypus: LJU.

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Diklić, N. & Nikolić, V. (1977). Nepeta ernesti-mayeri Diklić & Nikolić sp. nov. - eine neue Art aus der Section Pycnonepeta Bentham. Feddes repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis, 88 (7-8): 409-415 pp.

Economy where the taxon was described in: MKD

Specific description of the place: Mt Galičica: Trpejca

Global distribution of taxon: MKD

Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Greuter, W. et al. (1986). Med-Checklist 3, Dicotyledones (Convolvulaceae-Labiatae). Optima Secretariat; Med-Check Trust of OPTIMA; Euro+Med Plantbase Secretariat. Gen?ve; Berlin: 395 pp pp.