Family: Ranunculaceae
Original taxon name: Helleborus serbicus
Author of the original taxon name: Adamović, L.
Classic locality: in collinis ad Brgjani (Serbiae centralis)
Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Adamović, L. (1906). Eine neue Helleborus-Art Aus Serbien. Magyar Botanikai Lapok, 5: 221-222 pp.
Economy where the taxon was described in: SRB SRB
Specific description of the place: Gornji Milanovac, Brdjani gorge Rashka
Global distribution of taxon: ALB,BIH,MNE,SRB
Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Merxmüller, H.|Podlech D. (1961). Über die europäischen Vertreter von Helleborus sect. Helleborus. Feddes Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, 64: 1-8. pp.