Family: Gentianaceae
Original taxon name: Gentiana campestris var. laevicalyx
Author of the original taxon name: Rohlena, J.
Classic locality: In pascuis alpinis montis Durmitor loco "Savin kuk"
Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Rohlena, J. (1933). Věstník Královské České Společnosti nauk; Tř. Mat.-Přír., 8.
Economy where the taxon was described in: MNE
Specific description of the place: Mts. Durmitor, Mt. Savin kuk
Global distribution of taxon: MNE
Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Lakušić, R. (1968). Planinska vegetacija jugoistočnih Dinarida. Glasnik Republ. Zav. Zašt. Prirod.–Prirod. Muz, 1: Sep-77 pp.