Family: Staphylinidae
Original taxon name: Lathrobium (Glyptomerus) anophthalmum *
Author of the original taxon name: Fauvel A.
Classic locality: Hongrie; Serbie
Reference where the scientific name of taxon was first described in: Fauvel A. (1885). Aveugle ou non? Réponse ? M. de Saulcy au sujet des Glyptomerus et description d'une esp?ce nouvelle. Revue d’Entomologie, 4: 28-34 pp.
Economy where the taxon was described in: HUN SRB
Specific description of the place: [no precise locality] [no precise locality]
Global distribution of taxon: SRB
Reference where the scientific name of taxon was accepted in: Löbl, I. & Löbl, D. (eds.) (2015). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Volume 1. Revised and Updated Edition. Hydrophiloidea – Staphylinoidea. Brill. Leiden-Boston: 1702pp pp.